In three courses
First Course
Asperges Blanches de la Vallée de la Loire, Oursin d’Hokkaido, Vinaigrette au Citron
Second Course
Pêche « Petit Bateau » Flan de Carottes et Sauce Safran
Second Course
Boeuf Pot-au-Feu à Ma Façon
Sélection de Fromages Affinés (Supplément HKD 150)
Third Course
Millefeuille Chocolat Banane, Sorbet Cacao
Coffee or Tea
HKD 1,388 per person
For Complete Table Only
Please inform your server of any food-related allergies or any dietary restrictions. All prices are in HKD and subject to 10% service charge.
All items and prices are subject to change without further notice.