- Personal Training
- Book a one-on-one training session to work on your individual fitness goals. Our instructors are proficient in a range of fitness methodologies. Trainer: Dahal Puspa Lal or Nagata Kaisei.
- 60 Minutes
- JPY 18000
- Support Stretch
- Receive administered support to stretch your body, releasing muscle tension and clearing energy channels. This program is a great way to enhance your regular workout. Trainer: Dahal Puspa Lal or Nagata Kaisei.
- 15 - 30 Minutes
- JPY 4000 - 8000
- Private Yoga with Priyanka Chowdhury
- Deepen your practice with a private yoga class. Your teacher will guide you through asanas based on your level of experience, helping you grow in awareness and balance.
- 45 - 60 Minutes
- JPY 15000 - 20900
- Breathing & Meditation with Priyanka Chowdhury
- Chakras are vortices of energy located at various areas of the body. During the session, focus and meditate on each of the seven chakras, using tools such as sounds and mantras to balance, unblock and optimize the functions of the chakras. These meditations and breathing techniques offer multiple benefits in addition to the feeling of well-being, increased focus and clarity of thought. They also help understand the energetic link between specific areas of the body and your own chakras.
- 45 - 60 Minutes
- JPY 15000 - 20900
- Private Reiki Healing Session with with Hiroko Suzuki
- Book a one-on-one Reiki session to work on your individual healing. Our resident healer specifically works with the KOMYO REIKI-DO system.
- 60 Minutes
- JPY 20000
- Pilates Session with Junko Kanayama
- This private Pilates session is designed for you to work on your individual flexibility and meet your strength goals. Our instructor is proficient in a range of core strength and flexibility methodologies.
- 60 Minutes
- JPY 20000