如果您正在阿布扎比寻觅一家带泳池的酒店,阿布扎比四季酒店将是您的不二之选。白天,您可以踏上酒店三层的露台,享受宁静的绿洲时光;夜晚,这里将华丽变身为 Eclipse 露台酒廊,音乐环绕,鸡尾酒相伴。


早上 7:00 – 日落
Eclipse 露台酒廊
中午 12:00 – 晚上 11:30


  • An overhead shot of the triangular pool stretched over the greenish-blue sea.
  • Bartender stands behind a round, black bar counter with white base, with two white stool placed nearby and colourful hanging bottles coming down from the ceiling in the centre of the bar
  • Outdoor table filled with an assortment of sushi and other Asian-inspired dishes
  • A blac, round plate filled with six dumplings and garnish sits next to a roll of sushi plated on a white rectangular dish

    Eclipse 露台酒廊

  • A row of four black-and-white loungers sit infront of a wall of windows in a hotel spa

    The Pearl 水疗中心

    就在同一楼层的数步之外,The Pearl 水疗中心邀您沉浸于经典传统与现代奢华交织的静谧氛围中。
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